Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!
Happy new year! We’re at the end of January, another “unprecedented” year behind us. Nonetheless, I think often of how much of what we’ve experienced these past few years has, in fact, been precedented. Having spent a month in 2023 already, it’s clear that the world is continuing with the same ebb and flow. This is not to say that there is no hope for change. However, you won’t hear me saying “new year, new me” with any kind of seriousness. I do not subscribe to that belief system. We are always growing and changing into different versions of ourselves. This is not simply because of the turning of a clock. I am the same person I have always been. Yet I am utterly unlike the self I was five, ten, and fifteen years ago.

2023 has provided many disappointments. Nevertheless the new year is a good time to reflect. Who are we? Who have we been? And Who will we be? This website is a time capsule of who I have been in the past few years. Can you believe that Word-for-Sense has existed in some form or another since 2017!?
I have grown and matured as a writer and as an individual while writing this blog. Many questions haunt and thrill me in equal measure. Who am I? What is my place in this world? Does any of what I do matters?
My answers to these questions vary day by day, and sometimes hour by hour. Every contemplation leads to a new discovery about myself and the way that I move within the world.
Last year was full of hardships and triumphs. This year… well it is full of potential. Based on how January has played out thus far, I am equal parts excited and apprehensive. I appreciate the people who have stuck with me on the journey thus far. I also look forward to those I will meet in the future.
The following are some of the exciting opportunities I’ve had recently. As a plus, I’ve included some sneak peeks at what is yet to come!

I have had three articles published in Nerdist this year, two of which are related to the Marvel cinematic universe. SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW Gives Jennifer Walters the Support She Deserves converns episide one of She Hulk: Attorney at Law. I discuss differences in She-Hulk’s support system in the show compared to her comic book origins affect her character. In Celebration of Wong’s Character Growth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe centers one of my favorite MCU characters, Wong. It discusses his development as a character from the first Doctor Strange movie through to the She-Hulk television series.
I also wrote an article about the Wednesday series. The Complicated Characterization of WEDNESDAY’s Bianca and Lucas concerns the Black characters in the series and their representation and reception.
Since February of 2022 I have been working as Communications Manager for History Cambridge. I’ve been with Cambridge Day to make sure that we provide material for the weekly Did You Know? column. Many talented people have written interesting articles for the column. Two that I penned discuss the history of Cambridge Public Schools. In April 2022 I wrote Our elementary school names honor principals, groundbreakers, friendship itself, MLK and RFK. Later in August I published High school foundations date back to 1800s; Parents’ moral panics go back almost as far.
I will be attending Gallifrey One 33 ⅓ Long Live the Revolution this upcoming February 17-19 2023. I will be presenting a TARDIS Talk, Timey Wimey Entanglements: Critical Reception of Romance in the TARDIS from Tenrose to Thasmin, on Friday the 17th at 1pm. Furthermore, I am panelist on Colour Separation Overlay: Guess Who’s Coming to the Panopticon on Saturday the 18th at 2pm.
I will also be attending London Comic Con Spring in March 2023. I also have tentative plans to attend FanExpo Boston in August 2023. There are a few other conventions that I am also taking under consideration including NYCC in October 2023.
Black Nerds Create’s Time and Relative Blackness in Space recorded a “TARBIS Takeover” in March 2021. Doctor Who & The Crumbs They Feed Us was released this past April 2022. Earlier in February 2022 I appeared on the Whovian Creators of Color panel at Gallifrey One: Thirty-Second to Midnight. I also appeared as a guest on multiple podcasts this year. In February 2022 I was a guest on Canonically Incorrect Episode 43 — Here for the Vibes, Here for the Analysis (w/ Talia from Into the Archives). In May 2022 I was a guest on Gallifrey Public Radio Episode 469 — And Introducing Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. Finally, in November 2022 I was a guest on The Restricted Section — Detention with Delores feat. Talia Franks.
The Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast
As you may know, I am a co-host and the executive producer of The Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast. The podcast is a retrospective deep dive Doctor Who analysis podcast in collaboration with my good friend Lucia Kelly. We recently launched our season three with The Runaway Bride feat. Lark Malakai Grey of Hashtag Ruthless Productions and have launched a patreon to support the project. Our second episode of season three, Smith and Jones was released in this January.
I have begun to hone my skills as a cosplayer, primarily of the Fugitive Doctor from Doctor Who, though I also have cosplays of Martha Jones and Bill Potts, and am working on building other characters. You can view my videos and pictures (along with other content of mine) on my TikTok and Instagram pages.
@taliafranks I told you, I’m the Doctor. #fugitivedoctorcosplay #doctorwho #doctorwhotiktok #thedoctor #doctorwhocosplay #doctorwhocosplayers #drwho #drwhocosplay #drwhocosplayer #doctorwhocosplayer #fugitivedoctorcosplayer #fugitivedoctor #jomartin #ruthdoctor #helloimthedoctor #fugitiveofthejudoon #greenscreen ♬ original sound – Robin Nerdy Nixon