The Multiplicty of Love
Valentine’s Day isn’t really my jam, but I was in a philosophical mood, so I wrote some poems about the many shapes and sizes of love.
Valentine’s Day isn’t really my jam, but I was in a philosophical mood, so I wrote some poems about the many shapes and sizes of love.
The garden is overgrown. Slate had been laid across the dirt to create the patio, but weeds have grown up, died, and grown again between the slabs. I remember when I was a child I would get on my hands and knees and pull on the weeds, the hot summer sun beating down on my […]
Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now have surely realized my love for Sor Juana and translating her work. Recently I read a translation of hers at a virtual poetry reading, which I referenced in last week’s post. The reading was ‘30 Years/ 30 Poems’ which was put together […]
The following is an original poem that I wrote. I read it recently at a virtual poetry reading called ‘30 Years/ 30 Poems’ which was put together to celebrate the birthday of Olivia Dolphin, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Wizards in Space Magazine. My reading of the first poem starts at about 1:12:50. I’m also going […]
This poem came to me in a dream. I was asleep one moment, and awake the next, this poem fully formed in my mind. I rushed for pen and paper, greatly disturbing the person sleeping next to me at the time, to write it all down.
I really dislike the phrase “you can’t love someone else if you don’t love yourself.” Since when are loving one person and disliking another mutually exclusive from one another? That second person being oneself certainly complicates things a bit, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s entirely possible to love someone while disliking your […]
I like waking up early. It makes me feel as though I am at peace with the world, when people are quiet, and all I can hear are the few early morning birds, interspersed with the comparatively few cars and buses that drive by. I do sometimes (often) wish that I didn’t live in the […]